SA8000 : 2014 is an international standard to promote worker’s rights and enable employers to sustainably implement a systems-based approach to ensuring decent and ethical working conditions.

The Standard is based on the principles of the international human rights norms and national labour law to promote worker’s best interest, with a view to sustainable livelihoods and employment.

SA8000is based on the principle that ensuring worker’s rights and well-being is not a ‘burden’ for employers but an investment in human resources that leads to healthy and sustainable workplace for all.

It is the first auditable social standard and is independent of government bodies and single interest groups. This standard is verifiable through evidenced-based process.

SA8000:2014 measures the performance of organizations in eight key areas: child labour, forced and Cumulsory labour, health and safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours and remuneration.

BENEFITS OF SA 8000:2014

The implementation of this standard benefits the organization:

  1. Trust building with the analysts and investors when evaluated against social performance.
  2. Enhances company and brand reputation
  3. Transparency to Stakeholders
  4. Improves employee recruitment, retention and productivity
  5. Supports better supply chain management and performance
  6. Ensures compliance with local laws/codes
  7. Marketing advantage – more demand and value for goods from socially.
  8. Benefits manufacturers/suppliers.
  9. Enhance company productivity.
  10. Improvement of relationship with the Govt., NGOs, trade unions.
  11. Better image and position in labour market.